The Esoteric Hoe Manifesto
A Reclamation of Pleasure and Power
"The role of the artist is to make the revolution irresistible" - Toni Cade Bambara in The Black Woman: An Anthology
The Wisdom of Your Wounds: Transforming Pain into Power Through Embodiment
Listening to the Language of Your Body: Decoding Sensations, Emotions, and Intuition
Embodied Intuition: Trusting Your Gut and Making Soul-Aligned Decisions
The Art of Embodied Presence: Cultivating Mindfulness in Everyday Life
Beyond the Mind: Exploring the Intelligence of the Heart and Gut
Unlocking the Power of Somatic Awareness: Healing and Transformation from Within
Cultivating Intimacy: Practices for Deepening Connection with Yourself and Others
Beyond the Bedroom: Exploring the Many Dimensions of Intimacy
The Art of Conscious Touch: Enhancing Intimacy Through Mindful Physical Connection
Relationship as a Spiritual Practice: Growing Together Through Love and Challenges
Navigating Ethical Non-Monogamy: Communication, Boundaries, and Building Trust
Sacred Sexuality: The Erotic as a Life Force: Beyond Sex to Sensual Living
Cultivating Intimacy: Practices for Deepening Connection with Yourself and Others
Beyond the Bedroom: Exploring the Many Dimensions of Intimacy
The Art of Conscious Touch: Enhancing Intimacy Through Mindful Physical Connection
Relationship as a Spiritual Practice: Growing Together Through Love and Challenges
Navigating Ethical Non-Monogamy: Communication, Boundaries, and Building Trust
Sacred Sexuality: Exploring the Intersection of Spirituality and Intimacy
From Codependency to Interdependence: Creating Healthy, Balanced Relationships
From Codependency to Interdependence: Creating Healthy, Balanced Relationships
Breaking Free from the Dopamine Trap: Reclaiming Your Brain in a Digital Age
Digital Detox: Reconnecting with Yourself and the World Around You
The Neuroscience of Connection: How Intimacy Rewires Your Brain
From Performance to Presence: Cultivating Authenticity in a Social Media World
The Power of Vulnerability: Building Intimacy Through Honest Self-Expression
The Art of Mindful Communication: Transforming Conflict into Connection
Setting Boundaries in the Digital Age: Protecting Your Time, Energy, and Well-being
The Body Remembers: Understanding the Impact of Trauma on Your Physical and Emotional Well-being
Trauma-Informed Yoga: A Path to Healing and Embodiment
Somatic Experiencing: Releasing Trauma Through Body Awareness
The Polyvagal Theory: Understanding Your Nervous System's Role in Trauma and Healing
Creating Safety Within: Building Resources for Trauma Recovery
Trauma and Sexuality: Reclaiming Pleasure and Intimacy After Trauma
Trauma-Informed Care: Creating Safe Spaces for Healing and Growth
Trauma-Informed Pleasure: Creating Safe Spaces for Healing and Exploration
Introduction to Astro-Erotic Archetypes: Unlocking Your Cosmic Blueprint of Desire
Exploring Erotic Archetypes Through Astrology: Unveiling Your Inner Lover
Astrological Compatibility: Understanding the Dynamics of Desire
Beyond Sun Signs: A Deeper Dive into Astrological Love and Lust
Using Astrology to Enhance Your Relationships: A Path to Deeper Connection
The Dance of the Planets: Understanding Astrological Transits and Your Relationships
Your Astrological Love Language: Using the Stars to Decode Your Partner's Needs
The Shadow Side of the Zodiac: Exploring the Challenges and Growth Opportunities in Each Sign
Karmic Connections: Past Life Astrology and Your Relationships
Lilith and the Wild Feminine: Unveiling Your Untamed Erotic Power
Chiron in the Birth Chart: Healing Your Relationship Wounds Through Astrology
Synastry and Soulmates: Exploring the Deeper Connections in Your Birth Charts
The Gates of Connection: Understanding the Channels in Your Human Design Chart
Living Your Design in Love and Relationships: Practical Applications for Each Type
Deconditioning Your Love Life: Releasing Limiting Beliefs and Embracing Your Authentic Desires
The Undefined Centers: Embracing Your Openness and Learning from Others
Human Design and the Workplace: Finding Your Flow and Thriving in Your Career
Parenting by Design: Understanding Your Child's Unique Blueprint
The Incarnation Cross: Unveiling Your Life Purpose Through Human Design
Tarot and the Erotic: Unveiling Hidden Desires and Relationship Patterns
The Chakras and Sexual Energy: Balancing Your Energy Centers for Greater Intimacy
Kundalini Awakening: Exploring the Power of Spiritual Sexuality
Sacred Geometry and the Body: Discovering the Divine Blueprint Within
Using Crystals for Love, Passion, and Healing
The Art of Divination: Accessing Inner Wisdom for Guidance in Love and Relationships
Creating Rituals for Love and Intimacy: Connecting with the Sacred in Your Relationships
The Esoteric Art of Flirting: How To Use Your Intuition and Energy To Create Chemistry.
How To Use Energy To Become Magnetic: Practical Tips for Increasing Your Charisma and Attracting Love
Introduction to Sex Magic: Harnessing Erotic Energy for Manifestation
The Art of Intention Setting in Sex Magic
Creating a Sacred Space for Sex Magic Rituals
Solo Sex Magic: A Powerful Practice for Personal Transformation
Partnered Sex Magic: Amplifying Your Intentions Through Shared Energy
Ethical Considerations in Sex Magic: Respecting Free Will and Avoiding Manipulation
Grounding and Centering After Sex Magic Practices
Sex Magic and the Moon: Working with Lunar Cycles for Enhanced Manifestation
Beyond Manifestation: Using Sex Magic for Healing and Spiritual Growth
The History and Mystery of Sex Magic: Exploring Different Traditions
Sex Magic for Creativity: Igniting Your Inner Muse
Sex Magic for Abundance: Manifesting Prosperity and Well-being
Troubleshooting Your Sex Magic Practice: What to Do When It's Not Working
Advanced Sex Magic Techniques: Combining Rituals with Other Esoteric Practices
The Shadow Side of Sex Magic: Addressing Potential Pitfalls and Challenges
Sex Magic and the Elements: Working with Earth, Air, Fire, and Water
Creating Your Own Sex Magic Spells: A Guide to Personalized Rituals
Sex Magic for Self-Love: A Radical Act of Empowerment
Pleasure as a Birthright: Reclaiming Our Bodies and Desires in a World That Seeks to Control Them
The Politics of Pleasure: Examining the Intersections of Sexuality, Power, and Oppression
Pleasure Activism: Reclaiming Joy as a Form of Resistance
Decolonizing Sexuality: Reclaiming Indigenous Erotic Wisdom and Challenging Colonial Legacies
Queering Intimacy: Creating New Models of Love and Connection Beyond the Heteronormative
Disability and Desire: Challenging Ableist Notions of Sexuality and Embracing Embodied Diversity
Sex Work is Work: Advocating for the Rights and Safety of Sex Workers
The Body Liberation Movement: Celebrating All Bodies and Challenging Shame and Stigma
Creating a Culture of Consent: Building a World Where Pleasure is Rooted in Respect and Mutuality
The Role of Pleasure in Social Transformation: Imagining a More Joyful and Equitable Future
Embodied Activism: Using the Body as a Site of Resistance and Social Change
The Unpaid Labor of Pleasure: Why We Need to Value the Work of Sex Workers
Beyond Choice: Reframing the Sex Work Debate Through an Economic Lens
The Pleasure of Money: Reclaiming Our Right to Thrive
The Body as a Commodity: Examining the Ethics of Selling Your Time and Energy Under Capitalism
The Illusion of Choice: How Capitalism Limits Our Options and Shapes Our Desires"
The Commodification of Everything: Challenging the Market Logic That Invades Our Intimate Lives
Beyond the Male Gaze: Reclaiming Our Bodies and Defining Our Own Desires
The Power of Saying 'No': Setting Boundaries and Asserting Our Needs in a Demanding World
The Politics of Desire: How Societal Norms Shape Our Sexuality and Limit Our Freedom
The Tyranny of 'Good Girl' Conditioning: Reclaiming Our Right to Want and Be Wanted"+
Item description
Introduction: A Manifesto and Invitation
This manifesto is a celebration. A celebration of the esoteric hoe as a symbol of resistance, empowerment, and as a radical reclamation of pleasure. It's a bold declaration that challenges societal norms, embraces the full spectrum of our desires, and envisions a world where pleasure is a tool for liberation.
By (re)claiming “esoteric hoe" and embracing its multifaceted meaning, we defy the oppressive systems that seek to control and shame us. We wield pleasure as a weapon of resistance, fostering an inclusive world where ALL bodies—regardless of race, gender, sexuality, ability, or class—can embrace self-love, agency, and sexual liberation.
Embracing the Esoteric Hoe State of Mind
“I am not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles are very different from my own.” - Audre Lorde in The Uses of Anger: Women Responding to Racism
I am an esoteric hoe—a seeker of forbidden knowledge, a dancer in the moonlight of self-discovery. I echo the ancient priestesses, the wise women who knew the secrets of herbs and bodies, of pleasure and power. Their wisdom guides me as I navigate a world that still seeks to suppress feminine power, particularly for those at the intersections of marginalization.
Like a river carving its path through rock, I refuse to be contained by the narrow channels society has carved for me. I am not merely a vessel to be filled, but a wellspring overflowing. My pleasure is not a sin, but a sacred act of self-worship, a rebellion against the forces that seek to shame and silence.
My journey is both personal and political. It's about more than just personal liberation; it's about collective liberation. It's about recognizing how systems of oppression—racism, ableism, classism, homophobia, and transphobia—intersect with sexuality and pleasure. It's about using this awareness to dismantle those very systems. It's about challenging harmful narratives, liberating marginalized communities, and advocating for a world where everyone can experience pleasure, freedom, and self-determination.
The Esoteric Hoe: A Multifaceted Archetype
"If we're not imagining where we're going, then it will constantly just be pushing back outside from inside of cages" - Cara Page in Pleasure Activism: The Politics of Feeling Good
An esoteric hoe is not another label; it's a state of mind, a way of being. It's about embracing the fullness of our desires, exploring the depths of our sexuality, and celebrating the sacred feminine within. It's about recognizing pleasure as a pathway to liberation, a tool for dismantling oppressive systems, and a force for creating a more just and equitable world.
The Limitations of a Single Framework
The esoteric hoe has no gender, job or fixed identity. She is more of a concept and is not intended to be a one-size-fits-all model. The esoteric hoe provides a call, however, for all to embrace pleasure free from shame. Recognizing experiences of pleasure and sexual liberation can be vastly different for individuals with different social identities. We must consider the unique challenges and barriers faced by “othered” bodies, acknowledging that the path to reclaiming pleasure is shaped by the intersections of our identities.
Section I: Reclaiming Words, Reclaiming Power
"Where there is power, there is resistance, and yet, or rather consequently, this resistance is never in a position of exteriority in relation to power." - Michel Foucault in The History of Sexuality, Volume 1: An Introduction
Why "Esoteric Hoe"?
To be honest, all other renditions I really wanted were prohibited. Esoteric whore. Esoteric slut. Esoteric bitch.
These words, once used to shame and silence, now carry a deep meaning for me. I still hear the hushed whispers from adolescence, the word "slut" and “whore” tossed our way, a badge of shame we tried to avoid at all costs. It clung to us girls who dared to express our sexuality, our desires painted as a threat to the fragile masculinity and misogyny that surrounded us. I internalized this shame, my budding curiosity about my body, about pleasure, stifled by the fear of being labeled, of being cast out.
I still recall seeing it for the first time, my full name in red spray paint on a metallic picnic table at the skate park next to “is a slut!”. These words were meant to wound, to shame, to silence. But, I claim these words, not as a scar but as a sigil of strength, a symbol of my reclamation. These words also ignited a spark of defiance within me. “Esoteric hoe" is my reclamation. It's a defiant glitter-bomb tossed at the patriarchy, a declaration that I won't be shamed for my desires or exploration. It's a philosophy of radical self-love and empowerment, honoring those who defied expectations before me.
The word "hoe" has long been weaponized against women, particularly women of color and working-class women. I aim to offer a reclamation as a symbol of self-love, agency, and sacred feminine power. This reclamation is part of a larger struggle for our liberation and bodily autonomy.
They tried to bury us, but like any good hoe, we just kept on growing.
The Power of Reclamation: Knowledge as Resistance
"Sexuality is not, as it were, a natural given which power tries to hold in check, or try to suppress. It's the other way around: power produces sexuality.” - Michel Foucault in The History of Sexuality, Volume 1: An Introduction
As Foucault reminds us, power is linked to knowledge, and sexuality is a construct shaped by societal norms and power dynamics. The esoteric hoe subverts this power dynamic, boldly reclaiming "subjugated knowledges.1" We are alchemists, transforming shame into self-love and liberation.
We embrace the full spectrum of our being, including our sexuality.
"Fuck you, pay me."
This declaration2 is a demand for respect, autonomy, and fair compensation. It challenges the commodification and exploitation of women's bodies and labor, particularly for women of color and those facing economic disparities. We champion individual choice and sexual autonomy, recognizing that committed relationships can be fulfilling when built on mutual respect and open communication.
Embracing the Esoteric: A Shame-Free Path to Pleasure
“Pleasure is not a luxury but a necessity.” - Audre Lorde in Sister Outsider
Pleasure, for the esoteric hoe, is not just a fleeting sensation but a multi-layered experience that ignites our souls and fuels our resistance. We recognize pleasure as a pathway to spiritual connection, inner exploration, and transformation. It is a sacred act of self-discovery, a celebration of the divine feminine within us.
Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Whore? Shadow Self Integration
"I am deliberate and afraid of nothing." - Audre Lorde in New Years Day
The esoteric hoe is a snake charmer, not the charmed. She sheds the skin of societal expectations and shame, revealing a radiant, mesmerizing power that defies control. The reclamation of derogatory terms is intertwined with the process of integrating our shadow selves. We confront internalized shame and societal conditioning, fostering self-compassion and acceptance. By embracing the fullness of our being, including the parts that have been labeled "unacceptable" or "shameful," we reclaim our power and step into our authentic selves. The reclamation of derogatory terms and the shedding of societal shame, contributes to the process of integrating the shadow self, confronting internalized shame and fostering self-compassion.
The Significance of "Esoteric"
“The erotic is a measure between the beginnings of our sense of self and the chaos of our strongest feelings. It is an internal sense of satisfaction to which, once we have experienced it, we know we can aspire.” - Audre Lorde in Uses of the Erotic: The Erotic as Power
The esoteric is the hidden, the secret, the knowledge reserved for the initiated. For too long, women's knowledge of our bodies and pleasure has been shrouded in shame. By embracing the esoteric, we celebrate the deep, sacred wisdom that we hold. We acknowledge that access to esoteric knowledge and practices can be influenced by factors like class and education. We strive to make these practices accessible to all, challenging elitism and fostering inclusivity.
Erotic Power: Harnessing Our Sensual Energy
"Our erotic power is not simply a resource inside us that can be used, an ability we have that can be exploited. It is also an energy field around us and between us.” - Audre Lorde in Uses of the Erotic: The Erotic as Power
Our erotic nature is a powerful source of inner wisdom and strength. The esoteric hoe harnesses this erotic energy, using it as a tool for creativity, passion, and resistance. We challenge the fear of our own "yes," embracing our cravings and desires without judgment.
We reclaim our internal authority, trusting our own wisdom and making choices that align with our authentic selves. We understand that true connection requires mutual recognition and consent. We reject exploitative dynamics and prioritize authentic sharing.
Section II: Unveiling the Sacred Feminine Power of Pleasure
“When women reclaim the erotic in their lives, they reclaim the feminine principle, and it is this reclamation that will restructure human society.” - Marilyn French in Beyond Power: On Women, Men, and Morals
Beyond the Physical: Pleasure as a Multi-Sensory Experience
Esoteric pleasure is a holistic experience, engaging mind, body, emotions, and spirit. It transcends mere physical gratification, inviting us to explore the depths of sensation, intuition, and connection.
“The master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house.” - Audre Lorde in Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches
The Patriarchy's Pleasure Paradox & Double Standards
Society loves women who embrace their femininity—until we dare to own our desires. The weight of these double standards can be even heavier for women of color, who face hypersexualization and stereotypes which further restricts agency. The esoteric hoe rejects this paradox, embracing our desires without apology and challenging the systems that seek to suppress us.
When we embrace our pleasure, it's not just a personal act; it's a political statement. It disrupts the status quo, challenges patriarchal norms, and sends a clear message: We will not be controlled, we will not be shamed, and we will not apologize for our desires.
A Legacy of Suppression: Reclaiming Our Erotic Heritage
“How do we map our destiny and desire? By understanding where we've come from and where we want our generations to go?” - bell hooks in Reel to Real: Race, Sex, and Class at the Movies
For centuries, women's knowledge about their bodies and pleasure has been systematically erased. The word "hoe" itself is a tool of patriarchal control, used to shame and silence women, particularly Black women and other women of color. We reclaim "hoe" and other derogatory terms, transforming them into symbols of strength and autonomy.
We honor the lineage of women who fought for pleasure and self-expression, challenging narratives that seek to control us. We acknowledge the historical undervaluing of women's contributions to knowledge about the body and pleasure, especially the voices of Indigenous women, women of color, and women from non-Western traditions. We reclaim this suppressed wisdom, empowering ourselves and future generations.
Honoring Women's Historical Expertise
We acknowledge the crucial role women have played in shaping our understanding of pleasure throughout history. From ancient goddesses to modern sex educators, women have always been at the forefront of exploring and celebrating the feminine. We reclaim this suppressed knowledge and use it to empower ourselves and future generations.
We reclaim the Goddess and her worship, reconnecting with our power and rightful place in the world. We celebrate the diverse voices and contributions of women from all cultures and communities, honoring their wisdom and expertise.
Section III: Pleasure as a Weapon of Mass Disruption
"Pleasure activism is the work we do to reclaim our whole, happy, and satisfiable selves from the impacts, delusions, and limitations of oppression and/or supremacy." - adrienne maree brown in Pleasure Activism: The Politics of Feeling Good
Pleasure as Resistance & Activism
Pleasure is the honey that sweetens the bitter pill of oppression, a balm for the wounds inflicted by a world that fears our power. Embracing pleasure is a political act, disrupting the status quo and fostering liberation.
We challenge the gender pleasure gap and societal norms that limit women's sexual agency. We recognize the intersections of oppression and how they impact pleasure, striving to dismantle systems of power that perpetuate racism, ableism, classism, homophobia, and transphobia. We build communities of care, sharing knowledge, fostering connection, and advocating for social justice.
As esoteric hoes, we:
Center the Margins: We prioritize the voices and experiences of those most marginalized by society, recognizing that their liberation is essential for collective liberation.
Embrace Pleasure Activism: We use pleasure as a tool for resistance, healing, and social change. We organize, educate, and advocate for policies that promote sexual and reproductive justice for all.
Challenge the Commodification of Pleasure: We reject the idea that pleasure is a commodity to be bought and sold. We create our own abundance of pleasure from within, through self-love, connection, and a commitment to dismantling capitalism and consumerism.
Create Inclusive Spaces: We foster spaces where everyone feels safe and empowered to express their sexuality authentically, regardless of their identity or background.
Practice Consent & Ethical Engagement: We prioritize communication, respect, and bodily autonomy in all our interactions. We reject exploitative dynamics and cultivate relationships built on trust and mutual pleasure.
Somatics: Embodiment for Transformation
"It takes 300 repetitions to produce body memory...[and] 3,000 repetitions creates embodiment.” - Richard Strozzi-Heckler
Somatics offers a powerful path for exploring embodiment and "esoteric hoe" energy. It connects us to our bodies, emotions, and intuition, fostering self-awareness and empathy. Through somatic practices, we develop the resilience to navigate change and create a more just and equitable world where everyone can feel safe and empowered to express their true selves, regardless of ability or embodiment.
Building on the Work of Visionaries
"Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare." - Audre Lorde in A Burst of Light
Audre Lorde and adrienne maree brown inspire us to embrace the erotic and pleasure activism. We embrace exploration, playfulness, and continuous learning, approaching our sexuality with openness and wonder. We also emphasize the importance of boundaries, ensuring that our experiences of pleasure are consensual, empowering, and aligned with our values
Pleasure Principles
Our Pleasure Principles, adapted from “Pleasure Activism: The Politics of Feeling Good” guides us as we navigate this journey:
Conscious Growth: "What you pay attention to grows." We direct our focus toward experiences that cultivate joy, healing, and empowerment.
Authenticity and Alignment: "If it pleases me, I will." We embrace autonomy and make choices that honor our authentic selves.
Commitment & Detachment: "The deepest pleasure comes from riding the line between commitment and detachment." We commit to our growth while detaching from ego and outcomes.
Justice & Liberation: "Make justice and liberation feel good." We actively engage in creating a more just world and find fulfillment in this work.
Embodied Pleasure: We tune into our bodies, recognizing pleasure as a source of wisdom.
Collective Joy: We share joy and foster connections, strengthening our communities.
Liberatory Joy: We embrace our desires, challenge oppressive systems, and celebrate the joy of self-expression and sexual freedom.
This Kind of Love Is Not Sufficient
“We have to have a broader sense of our species.” - bell hooks in All About Love: New Visions
We need a radical, global love that encompasses all life and fosters connection. We normalize healing and create a culture of support for those who have experienced trauma. We embrace change and growth, both individually and collectively. We build communities of care where everyone feels supported and valued. We reclaim our agency and create a world where everyone can express themselves authentically.
A Word on Excess & Conscious Engagement
“Pleasure activism is not about generating or indulging in excess." - adrienne maree brown in Pleasure Activism: The Politics of Feeling Good
The esoteric hoe is not about unrestrained hedonism; it's about conscious, intentional engagement with pleasure. We cultivate satisfaction and abundance, challenging the commodification of pleasure and creating our own abundance from within. We recognize that excess can be a form of escapism or self-harm, and we strive for a balanced and sustainable approach to pleasure that nourishes our whole selves.
We acknowledge that the experience of embracing sexuality is influenced by intersecting factors like race, class, ability, and sexual orientation. We strive for inclusivity and recognize the diverse experiences of women. This is a call for collective action to dismantle barriers and create a world where everyone can experience pleasure without fear or judgment.
Section IV: Embracing the Esoteric Hoe: A Call to Action
A Liberatory Indulgence: A Tool for Liberation
I invite you to join me in adopting the "esoteric hoe" as a mindset. It's not about conforming to any specific behavior, but rather about orienting yourself towards ti embody pleasure without shame. It's about unveiling the sacred feminine power that lies dormant within, waiting to be awakened.
Join the Revolution, Hoes and All
The esoteric hoe revolution is open to all who are ready to shed the shame, embrace their desires, and reclaim their power. Whether you're a seasoned sex-positive activist or just starting to explore your own pleasure, there's a place for you as an esoteric how. Together, we'll create a world where every body can hoe their own row, on our own terms.
Embrace Your Esoteric Hoe Energy
By embracing the esoteric hoe within you, you not only reclaim your own power but also contribute to a collective liberation movement. Together, we can create a world where pleasure is not a privilege but a birthright, a source of joy, healing, and resistance.
Available as sticker, magnet or cotton/plantable seed print!
Here are some ways to embody your esoteric hoe and contribute to a more just and liberated world:
Embrace Your Desires: Explore what brings you joy, both in and out of the bedroom. Don't be afraid to experiment and discover new facets of your pleasure. Let your intuition guide you, and trust the wisdom of your body.
Seek Knowledge: Learn about your body, sexuality, and the history of women's pleasure. Delve into ancient practices, explore the mysteries of the feminine, and uncover the secrets that have been kept from us. Challenge the gatekeeping of esoteric knowledge and make it accessible to all.
Connect with Others: Share your experiences and learn from other esoteric hoes. Create safe and inclusive spaces for dialogue and support, celebrating the diversity of experiences and expressions of pleasure.
Challenge Societal Norms: Don't be afraid to question and subvert the way society defines sexuality and pleasure. Speak out against racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, and other forms of oppression. Actively work to dismantle these systems of oppression in your own life and community.
Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself on this journey. Unlearning internalized shame and societal conditioning takes time and effort. Be patient and celebrate your progress.
Hack Abundance & Reprogram Limiting Beliefs: Identify and challenge ingrained beliefs about lack, especially those around sexuality and pleasure. Reframe past experiences of sexual shame and societal judgment. Create a "pleasure practice" and a "Pleasure Manifesto" to prioritize pleasure as a form of self-care and resistance against oppressive norms.
Incorporate Ritual & Pleasure Activism: Honor your body and desires through rituals. Engage in pleasure activism and advocate for sexual liberation and reproductive justice.
Educate Yourself: Seek out resources that explore the intersections of race, class, gender, disability, and sexuality. Attend workshops and webinars, and follow intersectional activists and educators.
Advocate for Policies: Support policies that promote comprehensive and inclusive sex education, access to affordable healthcare, decriminalization of sex work, and disability rights.
Practice Intersectionality in Your Personal Life: Examine your own biases and privileges. Listen to and amplify marginalized voices. Build relationships across differences.
The "esoteric hoe" is more than just a name; it's a push towards liberation. It's about reclaiming our power, celebrating our pleasure, and refusing to be silenced. Let's embrace the "esoteric hoe" within us all and create a world where every body feels free to indulge in the full spectrum of our desires and to unleash the sacred feminine power that resides within.
By embracing the esoteric hoe state of mind, we can create a world where we are free to be our authentic selves, to experience pleasure and joy, and to live our lives to the fullest. Together, we can create a world where the "esoteric hoe" represents not just individual pleasure, but also collective liberation and justice for all.
Embrace the esoteric hoe within you, and unleash a revolution of pleasure, power, and liberation.
Ritual for Embracing Pleasure and Your Esoteric Hoe Energy
Intention: To connect with your sensual power, embrace pleasure, and celebrate your esoteric hoe energy, which involves harnessing your sexuality for personal growth, spiritual exploration, and creative expression.
A candle (red/pink for passion)
Items representing the elements (earth: salt/stones (e.g., rose quartz, garnet, carnelian), air: feather/incense, fire: candle, water: bowl of water)
A journal and pen
Your favorite sensual oil or lotion
Optional: A playlist of music that evokes pleasure and sensuality.
Find a quiet, private and comfortable space where you feel safe and relaxed and won't be disturbed.
Dim the lights and create a sensual atmosphere.
Light the candle, focusing on its flame as a symbol of your inner fire and passion.
If using music, start your playlist at a low, comfortable volume
Grounding and Centering:
Take several deep breaths, feeling your body connect with the ground beneath you.
Close your eyes and visualize roots extending from your feet, anchoring you to the earth.
Bring your attention to your heart center, feeling a sense of warmth and openness.
Honoring Your Lineage:
Reflect on the women who have inspired you on your journey of sexual liberation.
Speak their names aloud or write them in your journal, expressing gratitude for their courage and wisdom.
Visualize yourself connected to a lineage of powerful women who have embraced their sexuality and challenged oppressive norms.
Releasing Shame and Embracing Pleasure:
Acknowledge any feelings of shame or guilt you may hold around your sexuality.
Visualize these negative emotions as smoke or fog, releasing them with each exhale.
Affirm your right to pleasure and celebrate your body and desires.
Speak aloud or write in your journal affirmations like "My sexuality is sacred," "I am worthy of pleasure, "I embrace esoterical hoe energy”, or “I embrace pleasure as a sacred path to self-discovery and empowerment. I am harnessing my sensual power for personal growth, spiritual exploration, and creative expression."
Take a few deep breaths, connecting with your body and breath.
Engage your senses by touching the objects you've gathered, smelling the fragrances, and listening to the music.
Anoint yourself with the sensual oil or lotion, massaging it into your skin with intention and self-love.
Admire your reflection in a mirror, appreciating your beauty and sensuality.
Embracing Pleasure:
Spend time engaging in activities that bring you pleasure.
This could involve dancing, self-massage, reading erotic literature, creating art, or anything else that awakens your senses and connects you with your sensual power. Allow yourself to fully experience the sensations, emotions, and energy that arise.
Reflection and Journaling:
In your journal, write down what pleasure means to you.
Explore how you can incorporate more pleasure into your daily life.
What do you want to learn, explore, or create?
How do you want to use your sensual power for personal growth and collective liberation?
Closing the Ritual:
Express gratitude for the pleasure you've experienced and the wisdom you've gained.
Extinguish the candle, carrying the energy of the ritual with you throughout your day.
Additional Tips:
Pleasure is a natural and sacred part of being human. Allow yourself to fully experience it without guilt or shame. Remember, this is just a framework. Feel free to adjust and personalize the ritual to align with your intentions and preferences. The most important thing is to approach it with an open heart and a willingness to explore your sensual power. This is YOUR ritual.
There is no right or wrong way to experience pleasure. Trust your intuition and explore what feels good for you.
Embrace your esoteric hoe energy with confidence, knowing that you are part of a powerful movement towards sexual liberation and social justice.
1Subjugated knowledge refers to forms of knowledge or ways of knowing that have been systematically devalued, dismissed, or silenced by dominant power structures. It often arises from marginalized groups or communities whose experiences and perspectives are not recognized or legitimized by those in power. For more:
2“fuck you, pay me” - adrienne maree brown in Pleasure Activism: The Politics of Feeling Good
Joy is an Act of Resistance: How Celebration Sustains Activism
"The Body Is Not an Apology: The Power of Radical Self-Love" by Sonya Renee Taylor
"Disability Visibility: First-Person Stories from the Twenty-First Century" edited by Alice Wong
All About Love: New Visions - bell hooks
Bartky, S L. (1997). Foucault, femininity and the modernization of patriarchal power. In K. Conboy, N. Medina, and S. Stanbury (Ed.), Writing on the Body: Female Embodiment and Feminist Theory (pp.129-154). New York, NY: Columbia University Press.